Chamomile Oil
Chamomile has been used as a strewing herb. The oil is used in perfumery and has a high ester content which makes this oil a valuable antispasmodic. The Botanical Name of Chamomile Roman Oil is Arthemis nobilis or Chamaemelum Nobile.& nbsp;In ancient Egypt chamomile was used as an offering to the sun god. Roman chamomile is used in aromatherapy for its skin benefiting properties, and it adds a calming aspect to a blend, which may help in times of tension. Roman chamomile essential oil is produced from Anthemis nobilis (Chamaemelum Nobile) of the family species Asteraceae, formerly placed in the Compositae family. It is also known as English chamomile, sweet chamomile and garden chamomile. Both Roman and German chamomile have excellent calming properties, but Roman chamomile is more effective for irritation, impatience and feeling disagreeable, and has great value in treating PMS and other menstrual and menopausal problems, while German chamomile& nbsp; is superbly effective on the skin, not only to sooth and calm, but to heal and for tissue regeneration. The Roman chamomile essential oil has a sweet, apple-like fragrance and is very light clear blue in color with a watery viscosity, while the German chamomile oil has a sweet, straw-like fragrance, is dark blue in color and its viscosity is medium. Roman chamomile is a small perennial herb, with a hairy stem and feathery pinnate leaves, daisy like white flowers (larger than those of German chamomile) and grows about 25 cm high, while German chamomile grows about 60 cm high and has a hairless branching stem, with delicate feathery leaves and simple daisy like white flowers on single stems. To the Egyptians it was a herb dedicated to the sun, to cure fevers, and to the moon, for its cooling ability. It was also recognized as a soother of nervous complaints and was used in shampoos, cosmetics and perfumes. German chamomile contains azulene, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. This blue crystal is not actually present in the plant, but forms in the oil and only a small quantity is needed to be effective. Both chamomile oils are extracted from the flowers by steam distillation, with the Roman chamomile yielding about 1.7 from fresh flowers and German chamomile yielding about 0.2 - 0.4 . This essential oil can be used with great effect on children when they feel irritable, impatient, teething or colicky. Women find it great to relieve PMS. In general it is good for abdominal pain, gall bladder problems, as well as for throat infections. it furthermore helps to relieve allergies, hay fever and asthma. For the skin, it can be used to calm acne, eczema, rashes, wounds, dermatitis, dry and itchy skin and other allergic conditions in general. For babies it can be used in a much diluted form to sooth an irritated and teething baby and helps for colic, diarrhea and gastric spasms. This essential oil has a calming effect on the mind and body and is excellent in treating any type of inflammation - be that internal or external - and is very effective on urinary stones (bladder gravel) as well. It stimulates the liver and gall bladder, thereby improving digestion and is valuable in treating menstrual and menopausal problems. On the skin, it is a miracle worker and calms red, dry and irritated skin, as well as calming allergies, eczema, psoriasis and all other flaky skin problems. It is high in -(-a)-bisabolol which promotes granulation (healing) and is also a great tissue regenerator.