Sandalwood attar
Sandalwood Oil Botanical Name:;Santalum album Origin Historically, India is known to be native to Sandalwood trees.Form:;The Sandalwood oil has a medium-thick consistency Scent:;Sandalwood oil is pleasantly rich, sweet, fragrant, woody, floral yet delicate to sniff at.
Shade and Appearance;Clear with a Yellowish tinge.Chemical constituents:The main chemical components of the Sandalwood oil are Santalol, Santyl- Acetate and Santalene, out of which Santalol accounts for nearly 90 of the total constituent content.Extraction method:;Sandalwood oil is extracted from the chipped heartwood by the means of steam distillation and yields 4 - 6.5 , which well justifies its premium costing Blends well with:;The Sandalwood oil blends particularly well with Bergamot, Black pepper, Geranium,
Lavender, Myrrh, Rose, Vetivert and Ylang-Ylang oils.
The Natural Wealth;The Sandalwood oil comprises of wonderful anti-phlogistic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, sedative and tonic properties.& nbsp; Extraction Method, Steam Distillation are use to extracted to Sandalwood oil. First, After unloading logs in factory worker are separate sweap and mature wood from logs, Then Chipper machine or Chipper man do Eight inches of mature Sandalwood, than by the using of Sandi cutter machine piece turn to shape of Powder. Now Distillation ready to begin. The worker filled this powder to a big coppers cauldron. Then Fireman left steam to cauldron from boiler. After 6-8 Hours we separate Trepans from retort. It is nacessary for find to good Santalol. Then after 1 day we separate first reading of Sandalwood oil from retort, this process are continue to 1 week and after every 24 hours we separate Sandalwood oil from water in retort. When distillation are finished then we make Sandalwood oil 100% free from water with boiling. Now Pure Sandalwood oil are ready to use for any cosmetics or other industries. Treasure of benefits and uses!